“In a gentle way, you can shake the world.”
– Mahatma Gandhi
I relate to this quote because I love being a kind person. Throughout my life, I have been misled to be strong through loss or embarrassment, to stand up for myself to those that show disrespect, and to be more direct and honest with others.
Today, at 34 years old, I realize that I enjoy being a nice person who speaks nice words and adopts optimism under any circumstance. Despite the pressure from friends, family, and society to pair honesty with blunt force, I prefer my action of honesty to come across as thoughtful and noble. Instead of listening to people who don’t share the same values and morals of kindness, I simply look up to people with manners, politeness, and positivity.
Gandhi’s quote supports my way of treating people. Instead of living my life to other people’s standards especially how to connect to one another, Gandhi’s point of view tells me it’s okay to be exactly who I am. Embrace generosity, curiosity, gentleness, and kindness. Gandhi tells me, these traits can shake the world for the better.
Veronica Y.
Boise, Idaho. Student.